Thursday, October 24, 2013

Another Transformation Forecasted

The joy of redoing our new home has been in the amount of space we have been blessed to use to welcome others. We have been working hard the past 6 months to make our living spaces speak of us...and help us tell our story. Many of you have been so gracious to me, letting me know that you so enjoy reading about our adventures and getting fun new ideas that I very well may have stolen from more experienced bloggers. ;) I have to say, I am truly blessed by your comments and encouragement to keep doing what I love. 

And that I will. One room or project at a time. 

It's the next big project that Dawson is most excited to tell you all about...

Any guess which room might be next on my list? :) 

You guessed it! The playroom will soon become a nursery and Dawson will enjoy a grand new Big Girl room! 

Baby Stricklin #2 is set to arrive in late May/early June and we could not be more excited for Dawson to become a BIG SISTER! 
I would say she's a bit excited as well. :) 

This exciting news came to us a few weeks ago, but we waited ever so patiently to tell the world because this time around it was important to us to tell family in person. This meant the long wait for family birthday celebrations to come our way so that our people would be oh so surprised. SURPRISE!! 

Well everyone, the family now knows, so you can as well. Be excited, very excited. :) 

Yay for babies! 


  1. Yea! Very excited for you guys!


    Junie can't wait to have Stricklin friends both older and younger to play with!

    We love you guys! <3
