Sunday, October 13, 2013

Master Bathtastic

It has been a short while since my last update--one reason because we have been simply enjoying some family time and the projects are at a minimum while we plan for our "next steps" here at the house, while the other is simply because I started a post only to lose it halfway through. I'm pretty sure most of us have had that happen to us, so you know how frustrating that can be. I had to take a couple days to "recoup" after that trauma. ;)

Back in action, I figured we should take a look at the master bath, as we did a few simple fixes with the paint brush that made a world of difference. If you remember, our bathroom before had white walls and the same rosey cabinetry that the kitchen wore so well (ok, NOT to well). 

If you know me and white walls, you know that we don't get along, so the first thing I did was get some paint up on the walls. Since we had just painted the master bedroom it's deep navy, I wanted the bathroom to compliment it nicely--so I contemplated a lighter blue tone or a nice light grey. 

Let's just say I went the light blue route, quickly realized my mistake and immediately painted over it in a light grey. Against the navy bedroom, the blue looked periwinkle and reminded me of a daycare. 

Now, it may not look that bad in this photo, but in all honesty, it made me cringe and had to go. See the black vanity? We will get there in a moment :)

The grey was so much better once it was up--very clean and "Candice Olsen-esque". 

Since the bathroom has super high, skylighted ceilings and we are yet to borrow a ladder/pick up the one my dad has on hand, the paint currently stops at the 8ft mark where the moulding it. However, the plan is to bring the eye on up and do something fun in the niche above the shower (yet to be determined...ideas are welcome). 

Now, let's talk vanity. 90s rose colored wood, simply had to go. See ya! Glancing at the before photo once more, you can see this hue in its full glory, but next to the finished product, there simply is no comparison. 

In order to get this done, I gave the vanity a light sanding, wiped it free of dust, and set to painting with a glossy black paint and primer in one. The most important thing to note is not to skip the sanding, as the paint has to grip the roughed up wood in order to adhere. Skip the sanding and you end up with chips and peeling paint just days after your hard work concludes. 

Now that the vanity has been painted, the bathroom looks much richer--and I am more than pleased with the black contrast to the room's white trim and light grey walls. We added in some black frames and accessories, plan to frame out the mirror in black trim, and possibly add some storage between the double sinks to separate the mirror...all tying in the "new" vanity. It also needs some knobs which will be added very soon. 

As always, it helps to look at the before and after side-by-side, yet this always gives me more ideas for changes I hope for as we make our mark on the Northpoint house. :) 

Updates in the future: 
-paint to the ceiling
-make the arch a focal point (TBD)
-update faucets
-knobs on vanity
-trim around the mirror
-frameless shower doors
-change out Hollywood lighting

We'll see how far we get on this list... :)

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