Monday, September 16, 2013

The Guests May Stay Awhile

The guest room. A for real guest room that a future child won't take over when we decide that it's time for number two. A guest room that has its own bathroom. A guest room that is separate from the upstairs bedrooms and the downstairs "man-cave". A FOR REAL guest room!

Ok so it didn't look all that great when we found it, but we could see endless opportunities for friends and family to come stay. We could see our doors open wide for ministry in our new home and hospitality to be a regular part of our language. The problem, however, was that the carpet needed to be replaced and the room itself was, well, dingey and unwelcoming. 
The guest bedroom/office is located on the basement level, but has a wonderful window that makes it feel like an upstairs room. In addition, there is a third full bathroom just off of this room, making it perfect for guests to have their own space. 
If the closet to the right of the bathroom wasn't filled with our furnace and water heater, this large space would have counted as a 4th bedroom. :) Well, it's going to be OUR 4th bedroom. 

When we moved in, we placed the old farmhouse bed from my Grandparent's house--the same bed I remember climbing on at Great Great Aunt Lena's house, the "big bed" as the cousins all called it--front and center in the room with the bedding from the first house on it. Well, folks, this room was not first priority AND I was lacking in the idea department for the design of this room. "Big bed" was not displayed in all her glory. Sad face.
Not to mention, the ghastly green paint really needed to go. Barf. However, we did have the carpets replaced before moving in, so the furniture was safe from water stains, dirt, and animal urine. :) I know you are all relieved. 

Well, this weekend we had our 4th set of house guests stay over and I had had enough of the unwelcoming guest quarters. I just had to make the change. The first thing we did was pick up some new bedding for our vintage fancy queen of a bed. 

Get ready, because this little "bed in a bag" buy from TJ Maxx was about to turn the room from sad to very glad. :)

I had some leftover paint from doing the master bath, so out came the drop cloths and rollers during nap time and in came a soft grey to lighten things up. "Urban sunrise" from Valspar. 

Notice the scuffs and grease marks on the green? Well, they were soon a figment of my imagination. Come to mama Urban Sunrise.

What a difference! 
I used up the leftover paint and actually need to get a bit more for touch ups, but because I am so excited about this change, I couldn't wait to post about it! 

Big bed, may you induce sweet dreams! 

It may be impossible to truly tell the difference, but now that the green is gone and the bed has its rightful place, this room has already cleaned up and brightened considerably. It's more modern and airy and I find myself stopping to stand in there just to gaze at its beauty quite often already. I does not feel like a basement. I repeat, it does not feel like a basement. Yippee!

Now, the best is still yet to come, my friends. Over the next couple weeks I have big plans for the bathroom and an accent "something" that will take it to a whole new level. :) 

In the meantime, welcome to our little guest suite. We can't wait to show it off as it comes to life very soon. 


  1. Have you considered changing the light fixture? Fluorescent lighting can make rooms feel "cold". A new fixture could be an economical way to continue to change the feel of the room.

    1. You bet I have! :)
      I have plans to change several light fixtures throughout the house as we save up and find just the right ones for the spaces. I can't wait to get rid of the fluorescent lighting in here! In fact, the removal of the fluorescents may be on my list very soon as I add a little color to the ceiling as well. :)
