Tuesday, September 17, 2013

We've Got the Blues

We don't really have the blues...we are just enjoying our master bedroom all dressed in navy. 

More on that in a moment. :) 

You see, our first master bedroom wasn't much of a "master". We were more slaves to the small space, doing what we could to maximize it and make it seem bigger than the niche it really was. 

That meant light colored walls and a high hung headboard. Not my favorite, but it did the trick. If you notice in the picture above, the door jam is just on the right side...that means that was where the wall was. Shimmy around the bed and you may be able to get to the tiny closet that didn't even fit all of my stuff, let alone Tyler's. You may be able to imagine our excitement when the Northpoint house have us THIS amazingness to work with...

Not only did the bedroom seem ginormous, but it had a closet fit for a king AND a bathroom! (Insert crowds cheering wildly). :) 

This is the huge closet (maybe not spectacular by some standards, but we are still finding space within it!)

The bathroom has double sinks and a good sized shower (some might long for a jetted tub as well, but I think I only took a bath a couple times in the 5 years I lived in the old house and that was only because I was a whale of pregnant at the time). 

Remember this monstrosity? Imagine that shimmying past the bed in the old master! Ha! Disclaimer: I apologize for the terrible picture quality. All photos were taken on a camera phone and I don't even pretend to be a professional photographer. :)

It also has vaulted ceilings with a skylight. Why is it that I keep envisioning choirs of angels singing while I describe this room?  I might be a little excited. ;) 

Well, the week after we moved in, we gave up the box-unpacking so that we could get our room feeling a little more cozy. White walls with scuffs and dirt, weren't really helping me dream sweet dreams. I think I have issues; if it isn't clean or decorated, I truly lie awake at night decorating in my head. Too much HGTV? Quite possibly. 

I was going between two color choices for the walls--both in a deep and rich jewel tone. Why not, right? 

It really was a difficult decision. I think I asked my mom her opinion 27 times and I even asked Tyler (who is color blind and truly can't see much difference between the two) several times as well. In the end, the teal seemed like it would be more of a tough match in the art department and may be more of a fad color--so doing the whole room might be a little much. The navy, however? Classy. 

Our first step was painting the walls so we could get furniture placed. On went the navy! 

Gotta love a little "Quick! Make the bed so we can send a picture to our parents!" Kind of picture. Blue painters tape still up? Check. Ladder in the corner? Check? Bed being the only decor? Check, check! 

After a week or so, I had a chance to pull some of our stuff out of boxes and had persuaded  Tyler to hang our homemade padded headboard. We were gifted a soft and inviting rug, found a chair that happened to match PERFECTLY at a neighborhood garage sale, and set to work making it feel like home. 

All I have to say is that I love spending time in this room. I have already found it incredibly relaxing--bring me some cookies and milk to enjoy in bed, and I feel like I am on a retreat! (As I sit here in bed having just eaten Oreos while I have HGTV on in the background). Wow. 

Side note: Did anyone notice the cove ceiling in some of the afters? We have painted the "sides" the same navy and plan on adding some grey to the top inset--and eventually do something with the fan. Tyler loves it...I just want a chandelier. 😄 Do they make a chandelier ceiling fan? If so...send one my way! 

So there you have it, friends. Just a little paint and a whole new room is at our fingertips. From the before...

...To the after.

Welcome home. 


  1. You are such a wonderful decorator! I'm a big fan of the navy. I love looking at all your before/after pictures - and hearing your voice through your writing. Thanks for sharing!!
